Флоат камеры и капсулы для флоатинга. Производство, сервис

The installation process of float tank takes 2-3 days, if the room is completely ready, all communications are connected: water, electricity. Power supply must be assembled according to the requirements for the room.

If the float room less than 14 m2, better to install shower cabin after installing the float cabin. Otherwise, it may interfere to assembly pipeline and the frame of the modules.

All equipment: filter, pump, heater, UV sterilizer - can be mounted next to the housing of the float cabin and hidden under the decorative lining in a separate box or cabinet. Alternatively, it can be taken out to the adjacent room no further than 10 m from the cabin.
Before installation coordinate these points on planning with our service department.

Любой вопрос по флоат-камерам:

Наш офис:

Москва, Дизайн-центр ArtPlay на Яузе,
ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, дом 10
строение 3


+7 985 762-02-66